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Yoga for Peace and serenity
Support Group


5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Donation appreciated

Register Here

Together, we provide a safe space for people living with any aspect of mental health concerns which effect daily life.  We recognize that “issues live in our tissues” and emphasize sincere confidentiality during brief, optional discussions.  (Sharing is always optional).  These discussions often offer a topic relevant to each of us which is woven together with the ancient wisdom of yoga.  Given the link between our physical, emotional and spiritual natures, it is not unusual for participants to experience physical or emotional connections to painful events of our past. This is a unique relationship to this yoga experience.


The class is open to anyone in our community with an interest in weaving yoga into other methods of coping with stresses and emotions of life.


Note: This is a support group and does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure mental health issues.


Greg Hermann, Certified Yoga Instructor

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