“We live in a time of unvoiced and ungrieved loss.
Unvoiced loss
becomes a source of anger, depression, lack of hospitality,
and a perception of the new as threat, not gift.
Grieving and lamenting the loss of the present
prepares us for the arrival of the new.
Lamenting allows us to greet the arrival
of the new as a gift, not a threat.
lament prepares the way for new beginnings.
“Dare to dream.
To dream boldly.
To dream audaciously.
To dream subversively.
We don’t need less imaginative hope.
We need more.”
--Rev. Bryan Massingale,
speaking to the
Leadership Conference of Women Religious Assembly
Before I read the above words of Fr. Massingale last night, I wrote a lengthy blog,
listing all that I was grieving. I had never voiced it all before, not even to Mary. I
was angry and my blog was filled with lots of negative judgments. The blog was
a lamentation God, my Divine Mother, telling her how disappointed I was with
how the world was going, frustrated about how my meditations were going and
the fact that I didn’t think others were interested in really building the
Kingdom/Queendom/Presence of God either in themselves or on the planet.
This morning, though, during meditation and contemplating my day ahead, I
heard The Divine Mother’s voice say inside of me, “Focus only on the positive
things.” I had always seen myself as a “glass-half-full” person and have lived
quite positively. When I got worried about things, I acted in ways to change the
situation as best as I could. That was the main reason, Mary and I and another
couple formed the Grain of Wheat Community. We wanted to make the world a
better place by starting a residential community that l would live in tune with Lord
Jesus’ way of love and care for all life. We thought of it as a “Beatitudinal”
Community, in tune with the Beatitudes in Matthew’s and Luke’s gospels.
When the residential community broke up, I turned my attention to helping people
build the presence of God within themselves through my teaching of spirituality
and the science and philosophy of yoga. I started The Fond du Lac Center for
Spirituality and Healing to do that.
A few days ago, I began looking at the glass as half empty, instead of what the
Divine Mother told me to do this morning. I recalled Fr. Massingale’s words and
realized that, after lamenting vehemently and even thinking violent thoughts, I did
not feel angry any more. I felt hopeful. I realized that there are so many good
things happening in the world and in my life. Now I can dare to dream even more,
knowing that all is well, even in the midst of the pain and problems that our planet
and myself may be facing.
I will dedicate myself to helping people unite their minds, bodies, and spirits.
Even helping one person will help the entire universe. Spending one moment in
the conscious presence of my Divine Mother, doing one little service for Mary,
smiling and welcoming one person into my life, writing one letter to my
Congressman, energizing one person with Reiki, Healing Touch or Bemer
electromagnetic frequency treatment will help the entire universe come closer to
the Universal Christ, the Universal Consciousness of Love.
It was good that I lamented. I got the “crap” out of me. And of course, like any
good parent, the Divine Mother just listened and let me vent, then nudged me
toward thinking and doing positive things.
Thank you, O Beloved Divine Mother! I cry for joy now!
I bow to the divinity within you!